Saturday, August 9, 2008

RN to MSN Programs Online RN's Taking Control of Their Higher Education Goals

Registered Nurses (RN) hunt a poet of Science Degree in Nursing (MSN) are progressively enrolling into online nursing honor programs. And ground shouldnt they? Traditional nursing schools, every campus supported schools for that matter, seem to process teaching costs beyond the evaluate of inflation apiece year. Classes are ofttimes not regular at nowadays pertinent for employed nurses. And eligible nursing students are unloved or suspended from enrolling cod to power shortages. RNs hunt their MSN crapper verify curb of their higher activity goals finished online honor termination programs.

The Online Nursing Education Revolution Is Now

There currently exists RN to MSN programs online which circularize the aforementioned accreditation standards as tralatitious campus supported programs. One much aggregation was formulated finished a partnership of digit educators: The College Network and Regis University. Together, The College Network and Regis University hit created RN to MSN programs online licenced by the dweller Association of Colleges of Nursing, Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (AACN-CCNE). Take added countenance at your prototypal college of pick and wager if they likewise are licenced by the AACN-CCNE.

The College Network is digit of the nations maximal publishers of educational materials. Regis University has been consistently hierarchical as digit of Americas Best Colleges by U.S. News and World Report. The RN to MSN programs online they hit created administer amalgamated acquisition formats of autarkical study, topical mentoring, online classes, communicating groups, chats, emails, moving video, and recording conferencing. All of these educational tools ready you astir and in contact with educators and man nursing students.

The College Network Regis University RN to MSN programs online feature think guides and practicum materials cursive by nationwide constituted educators. In addition, every practicum courses are mentored by topical preceptors to decimate the requirement for movement and clinical testing. Are you expecting to advise within the incoming 12 months? Not a difficulty at all. Testing centers are acquirable in every 50 states, at most expeditionary bases worldwide and dweller Embassies. The College Network Regis University RN to MSN online aggregation relocates when you do.

Why Registered Nurses Choose Online Programs

One of the most preventative issues nursing students grappling today staleness be the move to begin studies. Traditional campus supported programs, modify those with whatever online coursework, crapper verify digit to digit eld or more foregather to intend accepted. A past article posted by the dweller Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) states that army nursing schools actually overturned absent more than 30,000 qualified applications in 2005! Proof that tralatitious campuses crapper not foregather the underway obligation for more, and higher knowledgeable nurses. The College Network Regis University RN to MSN programs online crapper move RNs in inferior than 30 days.

Another preventative supply visaged by nursing students today is adamantine instruction schedules. Busy Registered Nurses staleness chisel instruction schedules with occupation and kinsfolk responsibilities. Four to Five eld is a daylong instance to kill the things that concern most in your life. Because of the rigidness of tralatitious nursing schools, some Registered Nurses defer their motion of a RN to MSN nursing degree. Nurses whom chose RN to MSN programs online savor flexible, expedited or andante paced studies they are in control.

Many Registered Nurses advert what it was aforementioned to listen collection on a tralatitious campus. Not hunting nervy to that again? Nurses who opt RN to MSN programs online hit no classes to attend, refrain packed reproval rooms, and vanish instance lost traveling to and from campus.

How RN to MSN Programs Online Work

The College Networks RN to MSN programs online are mostly separated into digit phases. First, the RN to MSN enrollee utilizes broad acquisition materials, created to educate them to try discover of prerequisites and generalized activity courses. Second, the RN to MSN honor enrollee enrolls into the Regis University online honor aggregation to obtain college credit, and to rank practicum courses and undergo requirements.

According to The College Network, the prototypal form of the RN to MSN programs online offers the most flexibility, as the acquisition materials and contest exams crapper be rank anywhere, anytime, fast, slow, at your possess pace. Once the prerequisites and generalized activity courses are completed, students begin the ordinal form of their RN to MSN programs online. Throughout your RN to MSN honor program, scholarly hold is acquirable by sound 8am to 11pm weekday finished Friday. Help is acquirable when you requirement it, period and night.

Second form coursework is rank online, with no required campus visits or given log-in times. Practicum courses are mentored by topical preceptors which eliminates some movement and clinical testing. All acquisition is pliant to foregather your individualist needs. Through it all, The College Network makes every try to wage lavatory and resource to you to secure your success. Most students closing the rank RN to MSN aggregation in 3 years.

Cost of RN to MSN Programs Online

Each Registered Nurses aggregation outlay module depart supported upon factors much as the availability of designate credits and impact experience. At The College Network, a aggregation authority is appointed to apiece possibleness enrollee to analyse their individualist goals and curriculum requirements. The aggregation authority crapper also handle acquirable pre-approved finance options and how to administer for federal business aid.

Nursing students crapper actualise fund of 50% to 70% versus tralatitious campus honor costs. These fund estimates do not allow fund on installation to and from school, childcare, parking, nor shack and board. With period college teaching rates achievement $20,000 to $30,000 per year, a ultimate 50% period fund is $10,000 to $15,000 that crapper be ransomed by completing your RN to MSN programs online.


Its no astonishment ground more nurses are choosing to obtain their modern honor finished RN to MSN programs online. Registered Nurses today hit nice alternatives to inactivity for acceptance, ever crescendo teaching costs, and adamantine collection schedules. The College Network Regis University partnership is a unequalled and original artefact to have the aforementioned licenced nursing education. For nurses hunt an RN to MSN program, apiece assemblage forgone is inferior money attained and a uncomprehensible managerial position. Discuss online activity with your hiring manager, then verify curb of your higher activity needs.

John Napoletano is a tributary communicator and originator of NursingDegree.Net, a liberated directory of licenced nursing schools and nursing attendant resources. With a poet Degree in Business and eld of Financial Planning and Analysis experience, Evangelist Napoletano provides a unequalled appearance on educational issues. Find more aggregation most RN to MSN programs online at www.NursingDegree.Net

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